lundi 30 juillet 2012

Relax With Aromatherapy Massage Oils

After a hectic day at work, your husband complains of every part of his body aching with pain. Will a good nightís sleep refresh him for the next hectic day? Not necessarily. With a similar schedule each day, he is adding to his pain, which within time will transform into a fatal disease. You being a caring wife, will you want this chain of events to continue? If no, then aromatherapy massage oils are for you.

Aromatherapy massage oils will go a long way in giving the much-needed relief to a person after a long day at work. Massage is both physically and emotionally stimulating for the body. When the massage is supplemented with essential oils, the person gains from the synergistic influences of a calm mind and a radiant skin.

Aromatherapy massage oils may be used in two ways. Inhale the massage oil vapours, which refresh your mind too. Alternatively, apply it to the skin. This method ensures that the massage oils are directly absorbed by the body from where they reach the blood stream. This has impact on one's health and skin.

After a massage with aromatherapy massage oils, one actually feels splendid. These oils have been known to have special therapeutic qualities. This finds them large-scale use in healing common diseases like cold, flu, pain in the muscles, headache etc.

For the purpose of massage, people often mix more than one essential oil to give the desired effect. The most common of these is the lavender, clary sage and lemon blend. It is known as the stress blend. The essential oils in concentrated form can be dangerous for use. Therefore, aromatherapy massage oils are mixed with carrier oils before applying it on the body. Similarly, one can prepare an aphrodisiac blend with essential oils of sandalwood and jasmine. Just have an idea of what purpose the aromatherapy massage oils will be used for and go on with the blending.

Aromatherapy massage oils are used largely in spas and physical and mental healing centres. Trained masseurs will help you in relieving stress and give you an ecstatic feeling.

If you want, you can also get massaged in your home. Massaging your loved one with fragrant aromatherapy massage oils is the best way to convey the concern for him or her. Aromatherapy massage is also recommended for the infants to give them a glossy skin and strong bones.

Aromatherapy massage oils work wonders with your skin and provide mental calmness. It is also used as a cure from several diseases.

dimanche 29 juillet 2012

The Benefits Of Natural Medicine

It is important to know what you're getting yourself into when you decide to purchase any form of medicine. Whether it is produced by a giant pharmaceutical manufacturer such as Merck or Pfizer, or obtained from your local Chinese herb shop, being in the know is what is best for you. In this day and age of the internet, lack of information is not an acceptable attitude.

If you take any medicine too often or for the wrong ailment, you could be putting your health in jeopardy; however, there are some medicines that are considerably less risky. It is a well known fact that a person should visit their doctor on a bi-yearly basis if they are taking a number of prescription medicines. The reason for this is that the normal doctor, busy as they are, does not generally take the time to review each medication you arte taking at your timer of regular visit. Perhaps you are going in for treatment of the complaint of gout, for example, and your doctor treats you for this ailment at that time. But the doctor, usually distracted and in a hurry, does not review your current list of meds to determine that what he prescribes you for gout may interact with the medication that he has you on arthritis or rheumatism. It is the patient's responsibility to discuss these concerns with the doctor at time of visit.

Natural health medicine has been documented to have less or no side effects when compared to its chemical counterparts. That is because natural health medicine is generally made with products taken out of nature without being refined. They have generally been used for decades by different cultures, with little or no side effect. The medicine is made out of natural ingredients that will work in conjunction with the body, whereas their refined counterparts might have an adverse affect. One must also consider too that the compounds and inert substances used to bind prescription drugs may cause an interaction in the system. At the very least, the body cannot process naturally these agents.

These natural ingredients are normally plant and root extract, which have been used for centuries by countries such as China, which is known for its herbal medicines. That is why it is evidently clear that natural health medicine is good for the body, particularly when it comes to strengthening your immune system.

When you use natural health medicine, you know that you are getting the best of both worlds. You are getting help from Mother Nature as well as man through the extraction and compilation of these products. And you get the benefit of a medication that has been tried and tested sometimes for centuries. (Think Vioxx) The American culture has a bad habit of treating the symptoms, not the underlying cause. Hopefully, this will be addressed in the future, as more and more people become aware of what they are introducing into their bodies.

Any attempt to improve your health should always include natural health medicines. If you have an illness, then the effects of natural health medicine will work faster, as it will provide your body with all the vital ingredients it needs to combat the illness without seriously damaging or impairing it in the process.

You feel better faster and can resume your way of life without being held down by your illness. That is indeed the best way to tackle and handle the winter cold and flu.

In addition to all of the other benefits, natural health medicine will also boost your immune system, which will make you less prone to contracting any illnesses in the future. As always, one should carefully research any medication, and make every attempt to determine if there are side effects, adverse reactions to other drugs, or complications from allergic reaction. A search of the internet will reveal over 2,660,000 websites utilizing the keyword "natural herbal remedies." The information is out there...

samedi 28 juillet 2012

The Essential Guide To Aromatheray

So What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the art of applying essential oils to suit individual needs. The oils work directly on the chemistry of the body via the skin. Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile liquid plant materials, more commonly known as essential oils. Essential oils are extracts that contain the substances that give plants and trees their smell. The oils are produced by small glands in the petals, leaves, stems and bark of many plants and trees. In nature, the scents are released slowly, but when heated or crushed, the oil glands burst and release the plant's aroma much more powerfully.

It isn't exactly known when or where the art of aromatherapy began. It is believed that the Chinese knowledge of medicinal oils may have reached the west from the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. A French chemist called RenÈ-Maurice GattefossÈ coined the term aromatherapy to describe the process of using plant oils therapeutically. The story goes that, while working in a perfume factory in the early 20th century, he burnt his hand and instinctively grabbed some lavender oil and poured it onto the burn. He was so impressed by how quickly and cleanly the burn healed, he began studying the healing powers of plant oils.

The first recorded use of plants in England was in the 13th century and from then on essential oils have become widely used as perfumes, antiseptics and medicines.

So how does Aromatherapy work?

Aromatherapy usually works by massage. Massages are usually given as a relaxing treatment covering the stress areas such as the back, shoulders and legs. Aromatherapy oils can also be inhaled, either by using an oil burner or by using them in the bath. Aromatherapy is believed to be suitable for people of all ages. It is claimed that aromatherapy can treat many conditions such as nervous disorders, depression, anger and stress.

What are some of the plants used in Aromatherapy and what are their benefits?

Eucalyptus oil is often used in combination with Mint to provide relief for the airways when suffering from a cold or flu.

Black pepper has a sharp and spicy aroma. It is Commonly used for muscular aches and pains and for stimulating the circulation . It is also useful for bruises, since it stimulates the circulation. Combining Aromatheray with a sensual masage or sex toys is both safe and recommended.

Lavender oil is used as an antiseptic, to soothe minor cuts and burns, to calm and relax, and to soothe headaches and migraines.

Yarrow oil is known to reduce joint inflammation and to relieve cold and flu symptoms.

Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood and Ylang-ylang oil are used as aphrodisiacs.

Lemon oil is used to relieve stress due to its uplifting properties.

So, does aromatherapy work?

Despite a lack of good research proving that essential oils could work by either stimulating your sense of smell or being absorbed through your skin, in theory it is possible to predict the effects of the oils based on their chemical make up. However, there is no conclusive scientific evidence that the theories are true, or false, and there has been little research to try and prove them right or wrong.

vendredi 27 juillet 2012

Role Of Alternative Medicine In Modern Society

Typically, alternative medicine differs from traditional medicine in that alternative medicine is older and what we might call unconventional or non-Western medicine. Alternative medicine does not follow the traditional science and research that current medicines undergo. Alternative medicine could also be termed complementary or traditional medicine or the therapies that can be integrated into current medicine. The staff of the National Library of Medicine of the United States classified alternative medicine under the category of complementary therapies in their Medical Subjects Heading Section. This was done in the year 2002. The definition provided was that alternative medicine therapeutic practices were not considered as an integral part of the traditional allopathic medicine. Therapies like acupuncture, dieting, physical therapy like exercises or yoga, etc. are termed as alternative medicine. These therapies are called complementary when they are used along with conventional treatments. If they are done in place of conventional treatments, they are known as alternative treatments.
In April 1995, the panel of National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, worked on Definition & Description, CAM Research Methodology Conference, Office of Alternative Medicine. The panel defined alternative medicine and complementary medicine as those healing resources that encompass all health systems and practices that are different from the dominant health system of a particular society or culture. Usually, therapies like ayurveda, herbal medicine, folk medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, naturopathy, diet practices, chiropractic, music therapy, massage, pranic healing, etc. are classified as alternative or complementary medicine. People who do not find a cure, remedy or success in allopathic medicine generally try alternative medicine. Such people generally suffer from cancer, arthritis, acquired immuno deficiency syndrome (AIDS), chronic back pain, etc. Therapies included under alternative medicine would cease to be included in that category once their efficacy is proven and they are considered safe and effective. They are then considered as part of traditional medicine. An example would be chiropractors. Twenty years ago insurance would not pay for them as they were considered ìalternative and ineffective.î Today thousands of people have been helped by chiropractors and they are now recognized in the medical community. A similar movement is underway in the nutritional supplement and nutraceutical industry.

Over the years, more and more people have been using alternative medicine because traditional medicine is not working for them. The 2004 survey by the National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine of the United States revealed that approximately 36% of Americans used alternative medicine in 2002. If alternative medicine is used in conjunction with traditional allopathic medicine, an integrative doctor is a personís best option. Some traditional doctors are adamantly against or simply do not believe in complementary medicine, even though research continues to show the benefits of many compounds. Your doctor should be informed about other approaches you may be using and if they are not comfortable with that then always feel free to choose another doctor. This would enable the doctor to foresee any possible complications or a better time in which to use a complementary therapy. The concern in using alternative medicine stems from the fact that some practitioners of alternative medicine do not have an accredited medical degree and therefore do not have a valid medical license. However, in recent times, many educational institutions and universities have started offering courses in homeopathy, ayurveda, siddha, unani, acupuncture, reflexologie, and naturopathy. The recent growth in this industry is evident by the many people demanding different, and in some cases better, care than what they are receiving in ìmodern medicine.î They are no longer accepting the fact that they need to suffer with pain or illness because modern pharmacy does not have a magic bullet for them.

mercredi 25 juillet 2012

Remedial Massage Therapy

Are you suffering from occasional migranes due to your stiff neck?

Are you having back ache problems due to long hours at the computer and no time to exercise?

Are you having muscle aches and have problems even lying down to sleep?

Instead of resorting to drugs and medication, a good alternative to try is remedial massage therapy. Remedial massage is a holistic treatment; that is, a treatment for the whole of the body, as well as the area being treated.

Remedial massage uses several specialized skills to locate and repair damage and speed up the bodyís repair mechanism. A professional remedial massage therapist has to draw on his knowledge of anatomy, physiology, related pathology and the techniques of Swedish massage, heat and cold therapies, Kinesthetics and many other related fields for a complete treatment.

Also, the professional massage therapist will use information about your lifestyle, being your food diet, exercise regime, medical history, etc. for diagnosis.

Remedial massage can involve gentle to strong strokes as well as shallow to deep strokes. It works on the fact that soft muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia is responsive to touch. Sensitive points in the muscles often refer to pain in other parts of the body. For instance, headaches may originate from muscles in the neck and pelvic pains can be caused by certain areas in the abdominal and pelvic area. Remedial massage helps to stimulate blood flow in these areas, thus reducing pain, swelling and pain, and speeding up the bodyís natural healing process.

Remedial massage is one of the most effective and natural treatment for stress related conditions. Balance is ultimately restored to your body system when your body parts are functioning optimally. You feel a sense of renewal and more energized that ever before!

lundi 23 juillet 2012

Reiki For Your Stress Reduction

Have you ever heard the word Reiki?

If you want to get rid of stress that you may experience after work, Reiki is the answer to your problem. With this, you will feel a different form of relaxing and soothing comfort.

Reiki is greatly different from Yoga
, even though both of them have the same main goal of promoting healing, relaxation and stress reduction. It also uses a different form of acquiring the so-called unseen life force energy.

The technique was first introduced in Japan. It is simply initiated through the laying on hands wherein the unseen energy flows into the person's body that relieve them from stress and making them feel invigorated.

The Reiki technique believes that if the internal energy that transpires in a person's body is low, he is more likely to suffer from different kinds of illnesses. On the other hand, if it is high, it only manifests an active and healthy life for a person.

After a client undergoes this kind of healing, he will feel a glowing radiance inside and outside his body. A treated person will take things easily because it will heal the entirety of their being. It includes healing of a person's body, emotions, mind and spirit.

One of the advantages of Reiki is that it complements other forms of treatment. Reiki is often administered to lessen the side effects and symptoms that have been brought about by a person's illness.

At present, several clients have already made testimonies about the effectiveness of the Reiki treatment. It has already cured them and has done a miraculous healing. This paves the way for Reiki healing to be patronized by other people.

dimanche 22 juillet 2012

Rediscover Your Erection With Levitra

Body contact for two minutes doesnít mean to have sex. It is a natural urge and unless one is fully satisfied, the act remains uncompleted. Unable to provide sexual satisfaction to your partner shows that you are immature about sex. Having discussed the subject with numerous men and women about sex, it has been found that the first image that came to their mind is two people engaged in a hot and passionate contact for a prolonged time. Apart from touching and fondling each other your partner seeks a long time intimacy during the act and for this a perfect penile erection is a must. So if you are not experiencing a prolonged erection during a sexual act become serious about it. You may be suffering from some sexual dysfunction.

But thanks to todayís medical science for Levitra a perfect medicine for treating sexual dysfunction effectively. It is a medicine especially formulated for the treatment of defective penile erection. It comes in 2.5mg, 5mg 10mg and 20mg tablets. FDA trails have proved it to be a perfect treatment for erectile dysfunction found in men.

Levitra increases the blood flow into the penis. The active substance Verdenafil HCL in Levitra works by stimulating the nerves present in the penis by blocking the PDE-5 enzyme that control the blood flow into the penis.

Clinical trails have found that most men have been able to resume their sexual life successfully after its first use. It is generally taken about an hour before sex for it begins to show its power between 30 -60 mins of its intake. A dose a day is enough to give a full and prolonged erection throughout a sexual activity. Remember, Levitra is not an aphrodisiac i.e. a substance to give to give sexual arousal all the time.

Though clinical trails have recorded some side affects like headache, constipation and stuffy or runny nose but are found to be tolerated and reversible. However, visiting a doctor is recommended for the perfect dose and its usage.

vendredi 20 juillet 2012

The Amazing Benefits Of Melaleuca Oil

Melaleuca oil, also known as tea tree oil, is truly natureís natural antiseptic. This topical oil, which comes from an Australian tree called the tea tree, is naturally safe oil that is effective as an antibiotic, anti-viral, and fungicide.

Tea tree oil was first used by the Bundjalung Aborigines living in the Northeast Corner of what is now New South Wales, Australia. They would pick the oil-covered leaves of the tea tree and rub them on their skin to alleviate cuts, bites, burns, and other skin ailments. They made a dressing for wounds by grinding the leaves into a paste. They also crushed the leaves to use as an insect repellant.

There are several kinds of tea trees. Yet, the most potent medicinal oil is called Melaleuca alternifolia.

Dr. A. R. Penfold, a chemist in Sydney, found that tea tree oil was 13 times stronger in killing bacteria than carbolic acid
, the universal standard antiseptic in the early 1900ís. The Medical Journal of Australia published a study that tea tree oil was effective in treating pus filled infections of the skin and infected nail beds, and helped speed recovery from sore throats when the oil was gargled. Another study published in the Medical Journal of Australia in 1990 found tea tree oil as effective in treating acne as benzoyl peroxide, with fewer side effects. It is also effective in treating burns, thrush, and bacterial and fungal infections.

Tea tree oil can also be used for animals; Bites, cuts, stings, rashes, dermatitis, lice, mange, ringworm, fleas, and ticks are just a few of its veterinary uses.

Melaleuca oil
may be applied full strength or diluted in water or other type of oil like olive oil. Most tea tree oil that is produced is added to skin and beauty care products, such as deodorants, shampoos, and mouthwashes. Industrial-grade oils are used as disinfectants, floor detergents, and can be added to air conditioning and ventilation systems to kill mold and fungus.

As we rediscover natureís natural medicines through modern research, a new world of therapies is opened to us. Natural therapies are often as effective as drugs, but without the side effects. Many medicinal drugs contain properties to heal that no synthetic drug has been able to mimic.

jeudi 19 juillet 2012

Why Detox?

For most of my life I considered myself fairly healthy. I was not overweight, very slim infact. I usually ate two to three meals per day, not a lot of junky type foods, so I thought. I was about to learn the hard way that my life style and eating habits were not healthy at all.

My diet was like most of North Americas diet, a lot of processed food, soda, drinks, not real juice but man made sugary drinks, fast food and lots of fat! I also smoked 2 packs a day of menthol cigarettes. I also became less active as time went on.

I considered my lifestyle and eating habits perfectly normal. This is how I observed most people living their life. What I did not realize was all the dyes, preservatives and hydrogenated oils I was consuming, not to mention exhaust fumes, solvents, chemicals pesticides and heavy metals in our environment.

We spray our homes with chemicals to kill off nasty little critters. We walk outside on the grass that has just been sprayed with more chemicals. We put chlorine in our pools and we canít go outside at any time without being exposed to the exhaust fumes from cars, planes etc.

Some of our food supply is deficient in nutrients. We do not eat the way our grandparents and great grandparents ate. Their food was richer in nutrients. We, over a long period of time have depleted our soil and the constant deluge of chemicals used to obtain a larger yield of crops is what gets in our system.

What does this all mean? We live in a highly toxic environment!

There are various types of detox methods that help your body rid itself of its toxic overload.

Colon cleansing is one of them! The majority of people have some difficulty with their colon, constipation being a one of the big ones. Colon cleansing can be done naturally with eating foods high in fiber or taking fiber supplements. A diet that includes vegetables and fruits such as raspberries or blueberries are a great source of fiber. In fact, 1 cup of these fruits has as much fiber as eating 10 bran muffins. Imagine the carb count of 10 bran muffins! It is also a must that you consume a lot of water. This helps hydrate and nourish your body and flush toxins and fecal matter out of your system.

Diet is so important! Where possible eat organic. We have enough chemicals and pesticides and processed foods to deal with. Just use your common sense and eat real all natural foods just as Mother Nature intended. Instead of that candy bar for quick energy, eat a piece of fruit instead.

Fasting is still a valid therapy for detoxing. When you eat, the body spends many hours processing the food through digestion, nourishing the cells and elimination. When you stop eating and drink a lot of fluids, the body can then concentrate on eliminating toxins and healing the body. Fasting can be 1 to 3 days or as much as 10 days if done properly and under the care of a licensed practitioner. Also a visit to a licensed nutritionist can help you with vitamin and herbal supplement selection that suit your particular needs.

You can also get spa detox footbaths or detox foot patches. These are awesome because they draw toxins out through your feet. I personally know what these detox baths can do. You would be amazed as to how mucked up the water looks after 30 minutes. The color the water turns is directly related to where you are detoxing from such as the gallbladder, liver, lymphatic system etc.

Our current environment calls for taking action in caring for our bodies. Detoxing is a great way to alleviate toxic build up. Youíll feel great and have energy to spare.

Detox for vitality is the name of the game. I hope this helps.

mercredi 18 juillet 2012

Turmeric - Go For Gold

Ayurveda the ancient medical science is based on the principle of preventing diseases. It directs us to resist the diseases through our food habits and life styles. Same principle was stressed by Hippocrates also ìLet your food be your medicineî was his advice to man kind

Letís know more about a very well known spice in Ayurveda yet not completely understood by common man. Over the last several years, there has been increasing interest in turmeric and its medicinal properties. But Ayurveda has immensely praised the medicinal qualities of turmeric which finds its place in almost all ayurvedic preparations related to liver and skin disorders.

This herb has occupied the shelves of every Indian kitchen since 6000 years and is considered as king of kitchen. It is used daily in cooking. Apart from cooking it is also used as beauty aid and as a dye.

Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) belongs to Zingiberacae Family and is a perennial plant that grows 3 to 5 feet high in the tropical regions .In India it is grown allover but specially in Bengal, Bombay and in Tamilnadu .

Ayurveda appreciates the medicinal qualities and color of turmeric. This is evident through the various names of turmeric specified in ancient texts of ayurveda. Some of these are

ï    Haridra ñ enhancer of body complexion.
ï    Kanchani  - looks like gold .
ï    Nisha  - imparts  beauty by enhancing complexion which is as beautiful as  full moon night
ï    Gowri  - yellow in color
ï    Krimighni  - works as a Antibacterial and antihelmenthic.
ï    Yoshit priya - used in Gynecological disorders.

In Hindi turmeric is known as haldi .
The rhizomes or roots of this plant are used as medicine and for other purposes. The rhizomes are boiled, dried and then powdered. This powder is used for all purposes.

The active chemical component of turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin is a strong antioxidant and reduces inflammation by reducing histamine levels. Curcumin protects liver, reduces cholesterol, and prevents internal blood clotting thus preventing heart attacks and liver tissue damages.
Turmeric is very safe. But special precautions should be taken in persons who have gall stones, hyperacidity, stomach ulcers and obstructive jaundice.
Ayurveda explains the qualities of turmeric as light and dry. It has pungent and bitter taste. It is widely used in skin, respiratory and liver disorders. It purifies blood and enhances complexion.

Medicinal properties of turmeric ñ Go for Gold!

Effects of Turmeric----

On Liver

Ayurveda has recommended this golden herb to purify blood and prevent it from clotting. It is extensively used to protect liver from toxins and microbial. Turmeric increases the secretion of bile, promotes free flow of bile. This herb can be used to overcome toxic effects of alcohol on liver. This reduces cholesterol and protects heart.

Use of Ω  tea spoon  of turmeric with warm water rejuvenates the liver and expels toxins out of it.

On respiratory system

Turmeric is very effective in bronchitis, productive cough and asthma.
One spoon of turmeric boiled in milk should be consumed with a spoon of pure ghee in conditions like bronchitis, asthma and productive cough. This gives very good relief and expectorates excessively produced mucous in lungs.

On ageing---

The antioxidant properties of turmeric give us young looks and make us to feel young. It reduces inflammation in joints, protects the heart, reduces cholesterol and keeps us very healthy.

On Diabetes

It is widely used in ayurvedic preparations for diabetes. It lowers the blood sugar and increases glucose metabolism.

On Uterus

It initiates regular menstrual cycle and reduces menstrual cramps.

On skin

Blood nourishes the skin and it is known fact that pure blood always keeps the skin glowing and radiant. Turmeric purifies blood, nourishes skin and gives it a healthy natural glow and radiance.
A traditional face pack of India consists of gram flour, pure turmeric powder, milk and honey. This reduces inflammation of skin, smoothens it and prevents many skin ailments.

On Stomach and Intestines

Turmeric enhances digestion, normalizes metabolism and expels intestinal parasites

On Wounds

Turmeric accelerates healing process and readily reduces pain and inflammation. Thick Paste of turmeric applied on wounds acts as an excellent antibiotic and anti inflammatory.

On Yogis

Turmeric purifies and cleans the body. It is a tailor made herb for yogis. It increases the flexibility of muscles, reduces inflammation in muscles and joints and helps to perform yoga with confidence and delight.
Is it not a wonderful treasure which nature has stored for us in this golden herb ? Now let us start a gold rush.

mardi 17 juillet 2012

The Origins Of Alternative Medicine

The origins of alternative medicine, also known as holistic medicine, can be traced back thousands of years to the very roots of medicine. Many millennia ago, physicians or healers would assess the sick personís emotional condition in addition to their physical symptoms before beginning treatment. The roots of alternative medicine deal with the symptoms of the ìwholeî person, not merely the physical signs of illness. This is radically different from traditional medicine today.

In medicine today, people demand to be cured immediately, and the demand for medicines and treatments that do so is very high. Most physicians today are trained to assess physical symptoms and base treatments on that, without much consideration of the personís emotional or intellectual state.

Since its inception, alternative medicine has survived the ages and stages of the field of medicine. Despite the prevalence of modern medical practices, there are still millions of people worldwide that take advantage of alternative treatments for ailments or well-being. Some of these alternative treatments include massage therapy, herbal remedies, and meditation. Massage is one of the most long-standing forms of alternative treatment, and it is highly popular today as a treatment for aches and pains, and as a means of stress release and relaxation. Most people probably donít even think about massage as a type of alternative medicine.

Through the ages, every society has used their own forms of alternative medicines and treatments. There is over 5000 years of history and many types of treatments that were used far and wide, and many traditional medical treatments can even find their roots in alternative medicine from long ago.

Long ago in Europe, medical issues were treated by one of two types of healers, the physicians or the folk healers. The folk healers appealed to the poorer factions of society, in that they used natural treatments that were more affordable and easier to come by. Folk healers were often highly respected in these underprivileged sections of society. Folk healers often incorporated philosophy and religious faith into their healing practices, which helped to strengthen a sick personís mind and spirit, as well as his body.

Eventually, folk medicine evolved into the traditional medicine we are familiar with in todayís world. With each passing century, many great advances have been made in treatments and cures for various diseases and conditions.

Despite the dominance of traditional medicine in the world today, there is still a place for alternative medicine. It is alive and well, and used by many people around the world through massage therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, herbal remedies, meditation, and many other forms of alternative treatments. Many physicians now support many of these treatments, making them less alternative.

The origins of alternative medicine were very forward thinking. Alternative medicine has survived through the millennia because it has real validity, despite a great deal of ridicule through the ages. Though they do not have the immediate effect that many drugs and treatments of traditional medicine, they are a feasible option for a person to consider.

lundi 16 juillet 2012

The Many Uses Of Natural Herbal Remedies And Oils

Now a days, there is a variety of essential oils, roots, and herbs available to support healthy living. These natural products can be used for treating ailments, flavoring your food, skin care, create perfumes, and manufacture environmentally safe cleaning products.

If you do not have room for a garden, a few herbs planted by a sunny window are enough to get you started. Subsequently, all you will need then are some essential oils and you are ready to embark on a wonderful journey to natural herbal remedies and medicine.

Essential oils versus blended oils.

The first to consider is the essential oils. Only the purest oils will do for therapeutic purposes. Do not be fooled into thinking that you are purchasing pure oil when in fact it is a blend of several oils. Blended oils are acceptable for fragrance such as perfuming a room, but pure oils are necessary for medicinal intent.

A general guide to the purity of oil is its price. Pure oils are normally more expensive. For instance, common oils such as lavender and geranium are less expensive than frankincense and carnation oil. Therefore, it is advisable to become familiar with essential oil prices and then rely on this knowledge when purchasing oils. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. In addition, a price list from a reputable dealer is a valuable resource when buying essentials oils.

Typically, pure oils cannot be applied directly to the skin and must be mixed with a base oil to lessen their strength. Base oils such as almond oil or wheat germ oil are generally used for this purpose. Base oils are generally derived from seeds, nuts, or vegetables.

Basic oils and natural remedies.

Lavender, without a doubt, is one of the most useful and desirable oils. It will work wonders on cuts, bruises and burns, and promotes sleep and relaxation.

The Tea Tree and Eucalyptus oils are useful for treating a variety of respiratory ailments. These are excellent medication for colds and coughs. These oils can be massaged into the chest or burned in an oil burner to help clear the airways and prevent congestion. Tea Tree oil is a natural antiseptic and can be dabbed on cuts, bites and stings. It is often used to treat spots and pimples and when diluted with water, acts as a mouth gargle (keep in-mind it should never be swallowed).

Geranium oil with its characteristic perfume and pain relieving properties is a basic antiseptic. This herbal remedy should be part of your essential oil and natural herbal remedies garden.

Peppermint oil treats digestive upsets and may be used for breath freshening.

Patchouli and Ylang-ylang oils in an oil burner can perfume a room and add a sense of ambience. Orange oil mixed with Cinnamon oil is a pleasant winter scent that brings to mind seasonal holiday smells. Besides their perfume qualities, all four of these oils have other properties. Patchouli treats eczema and dandruff. Ylang-ylang is reputed to relieve stress, palpitations, and high blood pressure. Orange is used in natural remedies for depression and nervous tension. Cinnamon is excellent for warts and viral infections.

Thyme and Rosemary are considered herbs and can be grown in pots and used when needed. Both of these herbs can be used to create oils or flavor food. Thyme and Rosemary are also antiseptics and can be used in skin care preparations.

Lemon oil and fresh lemons will purify water. When lemon is mixed with honey, it is an effective herbal remedies for colds and flu. Lemon and white vinegar are highly effective cleaning agents that can be used for domestic cleaning tasks without damaging the environment. White vinegar is a natural disinfectant or mix it with water to clean windows and wooden floors.

If you want to keep the insects away this summer, Citronella oil or Garlic will do. Add a capsule of garlic to your dog's food and your dog will not be bothered by fleas. You could also soak a soft dog collar in Citronella to keep fleas and mosquitoes at bay.

Garlic helps to promote a healthy immune system. When the weather turns cold and the viruses begin to circulate, adding garlic to your diet will leave you less susceptible. In fact, most of the oils and herbs listed above are effective in helping to prevent many common winter illnesses.

If you are looking for natural herbal remedies or nature friendly products, the oils and herbal remedies recommended above should help you get started.

What Is Alternative Medicine?

What is alternative medicine? This is a term used to describe the different forms of medicine other than conventional methods. Alternative medicine includes a wide variety of medical practices including non-European (non-Western) medical practices and will include some new approaches to medicine. There is also a term called complementary medicine. This is a combination of conventional medicine coupled with alternative medicine.

With increasing research and new findings in medicine there is a universal rise in the Western nations of alternative medicine. In the Eastern part of the world, namely the Orient, some forms of alternative medicine has been practiced for many centuries. Part of this trend in the West may be due to the growth of medical education among people and the increased amount of travel to different regions. More literature is now available on this subject and medical societies specializing in different forms of alternative medicine are available.

Some of the most common forms of alternate medicine are:
  • Acupuncture
  • Homeopathy
  • Naturopathic medicine
  • Osteopathy

Acupuncture: this is an ancient art which had its origins in the Orient. It involves manipulating and inserting needles into special points in the body. It is thought to restore health and create well-being. There are several forms of acupuncture which are taught worldwide. This is one of the most famous forms of alternative medicine.

Homeopathy: is a form of medicine that tries to stimulate the bodyís immune system in order to promote healing. The practice of Homeopathy endeavors to bring the entire body back into homeostasis, or balance.

Naturopathic medicine
: Is a practice that is designed to stimulate the bodyís own healing system. This system utilizes multiple forms of alternative medicine. It can also be referred to as Natural therapy, and can include dietary supplements, exercise and different foods.

Osteopathy: Was originally a form of alternative medicine based on manipulation of the joints. It is still used for chronic back pain. It is often used with other forms of medicine.

When treating illness and serious diseases it is important to consult your physician before taking any decisions. Many doctors will endorse some sort of alternative medicine coupled with conventional medicine, especially if conventional medicine is not proving very effective for a chronic condition. Despite the lack of credibilty given it by MD.s, some alternative medicine can work surprisingly well. It will all depend on your particular illness and your own bodyís functionality whether alternative medicine will work well for you.

What Is A Body Massage?

The holistic application of physical touch to affect the systems of the body-the muscular, skeletal, elimination, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, lymphatic, emotional, mental and nervous systems is called Body massage. Body massage is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body with the hands for healing, therapeutic, pleasurable and relaxing effects. Body massage is the loving touch of the heart expressed through the hands. Professional therapeutic massage originated in China, is an age-old healing art, which can alleviate mental, physical and emotional ailments.

Let us study about the healing powers of body massage.


Body massage helps releasing stress and tension in our bodies by increasing oxygen flow and blood circulation in the body. Excessive unresolved tension and stress in our daily lives could cause continuous muscular tension. This type of mental tension or stress diminishes the flow of oxygen and blood to the muscles and organs causing pains and aches, feelings of fatigue, symptomatic heaviness, tightness of muscles and stiffness. This can even increase the chance of strains and injuries. . Tension creates a tendency for a build up of toxins in the body, and reduces the flow of the more subtle energy or life force (Prana or Chi). Muscular stress also deforms the skeletal anatomy, which further compounds present problems and develops new ones.

Benefits of Body massage :

1. Assists weight loss
2. Improves and increases blood circulation and the flow of tissue fluid (lymph)
3. Nourishes the skin (with the right oils)
4. Soothes and relaxes nerves
5. Assists in removal of deposits of tissue
6. Releases emotional and mental tension
7. Creates a feeling of well-being
8. Gives pleasure

If you have any illness it is always advisable to inform a doctor before you go for a body massage.

What Kind Of Massage Is Right For You?

Massage feels sinfully good, doesn't it? The truth is, massage is one of the best things you can do for yourself; especially during times of change such as menopause.

This soothing therapy has been shown to lower blood press, reduce muscle pain, improve joint flexibility and alleviate headaches, just to name a few of its healing powers.

Most people think of massage in terms of muscle aches, but it's much more than that. It increases blood flow to your muscles, tissue and every cell in your body which brings oxygen and nutrients to these critical areas. It also stimulates lymphatic flow, improving tissue drainage and the immune system.

Here are some of the different strokes you have to choose from:

An ancient Chinese technique involves the therapist using his fingers to press key points on the skin to release muscle tension and promote circulation and energy flow. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, but acupuncture involves needles. The pressure restores balance to the body and treats ailments such as headaches, menstrual cramps and constipation.

Swedish Massage
This is probably the most common form of massage in the US. Its main goal is relaxation and improved circulation. The therapist applies oil to the skin and uses flowing strokes and kneading movements to relieve tension from the muscles.

Deep Tissue Massage

This type of massage is more vigorous and uses various styles to loosen the muscles. It helps break patterns of tension, relieves chronic pain, including inflammation-related pain such as tendonitis and improves range of motion.

Shiatsu is Japanese for ìfinger pressure.î  This technique is similar to acupressure where the practitioner uses their finger, thumb, palm, elbow, knee (and sometimes even walk on you) to put pressure on acupuncture healing points. This unblocks the flow of energy and encourages blood and lymphatic flow. It also promotes relaxation and strengthens the body against disease and restores balance.

Sports Massage

This treatment incorporates several massage techniques which is great for athletes. It keeps the body flexible, increases performance and assists in rehabilitation from an injury.

Hot Stone Therapy

During this therapy, heated stones are placed strategically on the body which dilates blood vessels and gets blood and oxygen flowing into tense areas. It can feel like a body ìrush.î   The soothing heat can also prepare the body for deep-tissue work as well as alleviate PMS symptoms.

Aromatherapy Massage
The therapist incorporates essential oils extracted from herbs, flowers and roots into the massage. They select the proper oils based on a particular physical condition and blend them into a massage oil or lotion. The end result is a relaxing massage tailored to your individual needs.

This therapy is an Eastern method meaning ìuniversal life energy.î  It brings healing energy to the organs and glands in order to bring the body back into balance and help prevent disease. The massage practitioner places their hands on or just above the body to realign chakras and dissolve toxic substances from your physical and emotional being. People often feel warmth or tingling sensations during Reiki.

Pregnancy Massage

This massage femme enceinte focuses on a pregnant woman's needs including swollen hands and feet, stress on weight-bearing joints, exhaustion and lower back pain. And of course the practitioner positions you to accommodate your baby bump.

Craniosacral Therapy

This therapy involves the Craniosacral system which extends from the skull to the bottom of the spine and consists of the brain, spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid and surrounding membranes. The practitioner uses a light touch to restore cerebrospinal fluid movement. This can help treat such conditions as headaches, eye and ear problems as well as whiplash and back pain.